The translation company quick translation was founded in 2002 and is owned and headed by Alexandra Becker. She has a university degree in translation from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in Germany and specialises in translations from English, French and Spanish to German. She also holds a Master’s Degree in European Conference Management from Sheffield Hallam University in Great Britain. Among publications are the translation of the French script for “European Treeworker Handbook” (Patzer Verlag) into German and English and contribution to the article “Multivariates Faktorenmodell des Übersetzens” for the publication “Translatorisches Handlungsinventar” (Verlag Dr. Kovač).
Each specialist area has its own style and its own terminology. To translate texts correctly and convincingly for an expert reader, a translator needs to be very familiar with the specialist area the text is originating from.
We therefore specialise in those specialist areas where we are competent and knowledgeable. quick translation has a large expertise in translating economic, financial and promotional texts and is very familiar with the field of IT and localisation as well as subtitling and off-voice. In order to be able to offer you a wide range of services, we work in tight cooperation with partners from all over the world.